In loving memory of our dearest Raymond Fung


Raymond is no perfect guy. Anyone who knew Raymond might have run into times when he got all heated up with temper over unpleasant surprises, which might have just scared people away. But Raymond is no ordinary guy too. I first saw him in tears at his mother’s funeral, and I said to myself: wow, he is one gentle guy who has so much love for his family, and of course, for his wife Eliza. Yes, don’t you ever try mess with Eliza, or Raymond was always there to push you back. I simply admired the way he loved and protected his wife. That’s Raymond, always real and passionate and never afraid of showing his true feelings and emotions.

I was fortunate enough to have known Raymond for over 30 years and was always around at some important moments of his life – the passing of his parents, Eliza’s baptism, their wedding, their ups and downs along the way, and many birthday and festive celebrations.

We who served together at church were able to share Raymond’s passion in music, and often got to hear the many beautiful tunes he played with his flute. Our choir would never be the same without his flute accompanying our singing. When I saw him coming down the lane on every Sunday before mass with his flute holding in one hand and music books in the other, I would feel settled and knew that everything would just go smooth and fine with Raymond around.

Raymond was indeed a true Christian who had put his faith into action. His dedication went beyond his music to almost everything from photo shooting to technical know-how, from being an alter server while he was just a kid, to his latest voluntary evangelic works at schools and direct involvement to serve in our Parish Council. He had so much joy and love to give and share at all times, and we were just a bunch of lucky fellows who had Raymond in our lives.

Jennie Yue


        Raymond was an exceptional man, a loving and selfless person, a devoted catholic, who was always there serving the church’s every need. I have known Raymond since 2010, not a long period compared to many of you, but his sudden departure cut deeply!


Partly because of the richness of Raymond’s character and my admiration of his religious devotion, but mainly owing to the intensive times we spent together during the 2.5 years of COVID where Father McCabe, Raymond, Jennie, ah-Tai and myself, spent every weekend recording and uploading St. Margaret Church’s Sunday Mass onto YouTube.


I quote Father McCabe’s homily on Easter Vigil, “On this Holy Night and tomorrow’s Easter feast, I will be praying especially for Mr. Raymond Fung, … a man who was a tremendous help to our parish during the difficult times of the parish being closed, who worked with me in coordinating the liturgy and music, who accompanied us with his flute, and who also was a coordinator for the English Group on our parish council“.


When church services eventually resumed after COVID, Raymond and his wife, Eliza, volunteered and prepared a blog for the weekly liturgy for Sunday Mass – with all the readings, Gospel, prayers, hymns and complementary icons.


Raymond, our musician, our photographer, our technology provider, our blogger, has left behind a huge vacuum.  Raymond gave me my lesson 1 on phantom power, the little power needed for microphones, even though I work in the electricity sector.  Raymond and I both own a lot of camera and electronic gadgets, only I store them but he used them for church’s services.  The only time I took a photo for Raymond was when Father Everson washed his feet during Holy Thursday.  How I wish I could have another chance to re-take that under-exposed photo for you, Raymond; how I wish we could all hear your flute leading the congregation onto “Our Father” …


Many of our parishioners probably never knew that they had been under Raymond’s care all these years. Nonetheless, this is precisely how we measure a truly extraordinary man – someone who has devoted himself to altruistically serving others unceasingly from childhood till his very last minute.


Thank you, Raymond, goodbye, rest in peace ….!


Charles Tsai



(Editor’s note:

Mr Raymond Fung was representing our English community as a member of the SMC Parish Council. He was also an active member of the English Folk Choir and the Audio-visual Group of our Parish.)